Senin, 16 Juni 2014

PDF⋙ The Pauline Effect (Studies of the Bible and Its Reception) by Jennifer R. Strawbridge

The Pauline Effect (Studies of the Bible and Its Reception) by Jennifer R. Strawbridge

The Pauline Effect (Studies of the Bible and Its Reception)

The Pauline Effect (Studies of the Bible and Its Reception) by Jennifer R. Strawbridge PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This study offers a fresh approach to reception historical studies of Scripture, utilizing a methodology introduced by scholars of ancient history and focusing on the four most frequently used Pauline pericopes in pre-Nicene writings. Engaging a wide range of primary texts, it traces the contours and overlap between theology and interpretation of Scripture and examines how these particular texts formed early Christians and their writings.

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The Pauline Effect (Studies of the Bible and Its Reception) by Jennifer R. Strawbridge EPub

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