Classic Golf Hole Design: Using the Greatest Holes as Inspiration for Modern Courses by Robert Muir Graves, Geoffrey S. Cornish
Classic Golf Hole Design: Using the Greatest Holes as Inspiration for Modern Courses by Robert Muir Graves, Geoffrey S. Cornish PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Golf course construction continues to burgeon in the United States, Asia, and around the world. This book meets the needs of practicing landscape architects and other practicing professionals involved in the design or re-design of golf courses. Each classic hole is described in terms relevant to the designer including its basic design, its maintenance, and its impact on the golfer's game. Three samples accompany each classic hole illustrating varying replications and how those replications were appropriated for the new course.Graves and Cornish are two of the most famous and respected golf course architects in the United States, who have designed or remodeled a combined 1,000+ courses, taught more than 60 seminars on golf course design, and are both past presidents of the American Society of Golf Course Architects.
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