Nefarious by Nature by Douglas Warren
Nefarious by Nature by Douglas Warren PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This contemporary erotic thriller is set in a small village in Kent, England. To help pay the bills Elizabeth and Peter, a young couple, reluctantly take in a lodger. William, a retired widower who seems harmless enough. Elizabeth soon discovers that William has a fascination with the Marquis de Sade. Bored with the routine of village life, Elizabeth is curious, and after reading Sade’s philosophy asks William to give her further instruction in the Libertine Lifestyle. This leads to Elizabeth and Peter's involvement in William’s group of Sade enthusiasts. Soon the cult begins to controls their lives and livelihood. To keep the couple within their power the cult threatens Peter's medical practice, further ensnaring the couple. When Mary, Elizabeth and Peter's five year old daughter receives a threatening postcard the couple must decide whether to follow the dictates of the cult or protect their daughter. For normal parents there would be no choice, they would protect their daughter at all costs. But Elizabeth and Peter are no longer normal parents.From reader reviews:
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