Rabu, 29 Januari 2014

PDF⋙ The Morgue and Me by John C. Ford

The Morgue and Me by John C. Ford

The Morgue and Me

The Morgue and Me by John C. Ford PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

“A throw-back style detective novel that readers of all stripes should pay attention to.” —Los Angeles Times 

Christopher just needed a job to kill time the summer after graduation. He didn’t expect to stumble across a murder cover-up when he was hired as a janitor at the morgue. With the sheriff as his prime suspect, he turns to Tina, a gorgeous newspaper reporter, to help him get to the bottom of the case. Suddenly they find themselves in a full-blown investigation involving bribery, kidnappings, more murders…and his best friend. 

With plenty of plot twists, red herrings, and dry wit, The Morgue and Me is a page-turning modern take on the classic detective genre perfect for fans of Veronica Mars and Shelter.


“A dark and stellar debut.” —Publishers Weekly, starred review
“Fast-paced and full of red herrings, it’ll keep you guessing.” —New York Post

Edgar Award nominee
Agatha Award nominee
YALSA Best Books for Young Adults nominee

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