Selasa, 18 Agustus 2015

PDF⋙ NCLEX-PN 2013-2014 (Kaplan NCLEX-PN Exam) by Kaplan

NCLEX-PN 2013-2014 (Kaplan NCLEX-PN Exam) by Kaplan

NCLEX-PN 2013-2014 (Kaplan NCLEX-PN Exam)

NCLEX-PN 2013-2014 (Kaplan NCLEX-PN Exam) by Kaplan PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The National Council Licensure Examination for Practical (or Vocational) Nurse tests the knowledge, skills, and abilities essential for the effective practice of entry-level nursing. Newly graduated practical/vocational nurses must pass the exam to become licensed and practice their profession.

With exclusive strategies for exam success, Kaplan NCLEX-PN offers the most comprehensive guide to the exam, featuring:

A practice test based on the most up-to-date information
Money-back guarantee: Kaplan guarantees that readers will pass the test using our guide
Detailed answer explanations
Information on the exam’s content and structure
A 20-item sample Kaplan's NCLEX-PN Question Bank online

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