Rabu, 13 Mei 2015

PDF⋙ Painting Portraits: 25 Portrait Painting Projects Illustrated Step-By-Step With Advice on Materials and Techniques by Jenny Rodwell

Painting Portraits: 25 Portrait Painting Projects Illustrated Step-By-Step With Advice on Materials and Techniques by Jenny Rodwell

Painting Portraits: 25 Portrait Painting Projects Illustrated Step-By-Step With Advice on Materials and Techniques

Painting Portraits: 25 Portrait Painting Projects Illustrated Step-By-Step With Advice on Materials and Techniques by Jenny Rodwell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Painting Portraits: 25 Portrait Painting Projects Illustrated Step-by-Step with Advice on Materials and Techniques
176 pp. "...discover how to use a variety of media to capture the physical qualities of your model and the mood you want in your painting--the rich, textured colors of oils and acrylics to create a dynamic, energetic rendering; delicate washes of watercolor to capture an ethereal mood; or the less formal pastels to develop a more personable likeness. Other media explored include ink, colored pencil, chalk and charcoal.You'll see in 25 full-color, step-by-step demonstrations how to use each medium to paint a variety of models, including how to mix warm and cool fleshtones, create texture, use planes of light and shadow to build a face, use the white painting surface for highlights, and render on tinted paper for a unique effect.You'll learn how to plan your portrait, with advice on:Posing with your model.Working with different types of light.Positioning the image on the painting surface.Utilizing different backgrounds.Choosing colors for each element of the painting.You'll also find an introduction to each medium (with advice on how to buy materials as economically as possible) and special help on such problem areas as hair, eyes, mouths, skin tones, and the physical differences between old and young." Color illustrations throughout text.Keywords: ART PAINTING PORTRAITS INSTRUCTION MATERIALS TECHNIQUES INSTRUCTIONAL ARTISTIC ARTIST PAINT PAINTER PORTRAITURE REFERENCE

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