Kamis, 02 April 2015

PDF⋙ Mathematics for Physical Science and Engineering: Symbolic Computing Applications in Maple and Mathematica by Frank E. Harris

Mathematics for Physical Science and Engineering: Symbolic Computing Applications in Maple and Mathematica by Frank E. Harris

Mathematics for Physical Science and Engineering: Symbolic Computing Applications in Maple and Mathematica

Mathematics for Physical Science and Engineering: Symbolic Computing Applications in Maple and Mathematica by Frank E. Harris PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

 Mathematics for Physical Science and Engineering is a complete text in mathematics for physical science that includes the use of symbolic computation to illustrate the mathematical concepts and enable the solution of a broader range of practical problems. It enables professionals to connect their knowledge of mathematics to either or both of the symbolic languages Maple and Mathematica. Due to the increasing importance of symbolic computation, the book begins by introducing that topic, before delving into its core mathematical topics. Each of those subjects is described in principle, and then applied through symbolic computing.The aim of the text is designed to clarify and optimize the efficiency of the student's acquisition of mathematical understanding and skill and to provide students with a mathematical toolbox that will rapidly become of routine use in a scientific or engineering career.

  • Clarifies each important concept to students through the use of a simple example and often an illustration
  • Provides quick-reference for students through multiple appendices, including an overview of terms in most commonly used applications (Mathematica, Maple)
  • Shows how symbolic computing enables solving a broad range of practical problems

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