New Jersey Hessians: Truth and Lore in the American Revolution (American Legends) by Peter T. Lubrecht
New Jersey Hessians: Truth and Lore in the American Revolution (American Legends) by Peter T. Lubrecht PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
During the American Revolution, Great Britain hired thirty thousand German troops to fight rebellious colonists. Five thousand of those troops marched across New Jersey from Princeton and Trenton all the way to the northern tip of Sussex County. Though popular legend would cast them as cold and vicious mercenaries, many were prisoners of war with little choice. Stories of their exploits still circulate in New Jersey, from the headless Hessian of the Morristown Swamp to the mysterious Ramapo Mountain people. Join author Pete Lubrecht as he navigates the myth of Hessian troops in New Jersey to separate fiction from fact.From reader reviews:
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