Sabtu, 12 Juli 2014

PDF⋙ His Bewildering Bride (The Brides of Paradise Ranch - Spicy Version) (Volume 3) by Merry Farmer

His Bewildering Bride (The Brides of Paradise Ranch - Spicy Version) (Volume 3) by Merry Farmer

His Bewildering Bride (The Brides of Paradise Ranch - Spicy Version) (Volume 3)

His Bewildering Bride (The Brides of Paradise Ranch - Spicy Version) (Volume 3) by Merry Farmer PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Seamstress Wendy Weatherford is overjoyed when she is offered the chance to be a mail-order bride for one of the men of Paradise Ranch. When she arrives in Haskell, Wyoming, her intended groom takes one look at her and refuses to go through with the wedding. He wasn’t expecting his bride to be a former slave. Abandoned at the altar and alone on the frontier, Wendy doesn’t know where to turn. Until rescue comes in an unlikely form. Travis Montrose has plans to start a new job and eventually own his own ranch, not to marry his brother’s rejected bride. But he can’t stand by and watch the exotic and beautiful Wendy suffer, particularly not when she proves to be a woman of strength and substance. Their unconventional union stirs up trouble from the start, even as it stirs passions. When Wendy is given an opportunity to compete for the chance to own her own dress shop, Travis will stop at nothing to help her win against a crooked competitor…even if it means sacrificing his future.

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